How to grow and thicken your hair quickly using natural ingredients

How To Grow Hair Using Natural Ingredients

For women or men who have problems with thin hair, doesn't have to spend in order to thicken your hair. We can use natural ingredients around us to regenerate hair safely.
The hair is the Crown that it is important to support the appearance of a person. People say, reasonable only if the men experienced baldness, but if ya don't get women like that. But the fact is, not all men are confident with the condition of balding. Some remain hopeful can have thick hair on his head.
However, because the case of hair loss is not an easy thing to overcome, then this can cause baldness or a depletion of hair. There are many reasons why a person's hair could not be as thick as the others, it could be because:
- Stress.
- Very active physically.
- Hormonal imbalances.
- Less nutrition, vitamin D, EPA and DHA.
- Pollution.
- Allergy.
- Wrong use hair products.
- Less care for the hygiene and health of the hair.
genetic factors.
Fortunately, how to grow the hair doesn't have to be expensive. You can thicken your hair with natural ingredients.
natural ingredients for hair to grow a variety of natural ingredients to grow hair
Natural ingredients to thicken your hair, among others, as follows:

1. Eggs
Eggs are an important source of protein is its role in encouraging and thicken your hair. In it also contained fatty acids, and various vitamin needed for hair growth. No wonder if the egg becomes a favorite ingredient in hair care.
Don't need much material, here's an easy way to grow hair with egg:
- Take the 1-2 eggs (adjust with long hair), then shake. Apply egg to your hair that's been moistened, and let stand for 30 minutes. Wash your hair with warm water and shampoo. Do this protein treatment 1-2 times a week.
- Another way is to mix 1 egg yolk granules with 1 tbsp of hair oil – it's up to be olive oil or another – and 2 tbsp of water. Use this mixture to massage the scalp as much as once a week in order for quick hair thicker.
In addition to the use of outside, the egg is also beneficial for hair when consumed. Thus can grow hair from the outside and the inside.

2. Olive oil
The owner of a thin hair textures may need to try the olive oil if you want fuller hair shaft. In addition to be able to ' fatten ' each of the strands of hair, olive oil can also soften and strengthens it.
The trick is to massage the hair and scalp using an already warmed olive oil before. Leave at least 30-45 seconds, then rinse until clean and gentle shampoo shampooing is wearing as usual. You can also let the oil on the hair overnight-they then rinse the next new day.
Another alternative is to mix and apply the olive oil mixed with honey. Let stand at least 30 minutes before rinsing your hair from dough. See more here: benefits and how to use olive oil for hair

3. Avocado
Nature moisturizing and thicken the hair shaft making avocado fruit in the ranks of the natural hair grower. Not to mention, the content of vitamin E that can nourish the hair shaft as a whole.
How to grow hair with avocado is pretty easy:
- Mix together 1 piece 1 piece avocado and bananas (both already absorb until soft), along with 1 tbsp of olive oil. The massage was a fruit mask to the scalp, and let stand for 30 minutes to allow his nutritional absorbed perfectly. Lastly, rinse and wash your hair as usual.
- You can also make a mask with hair hydration pour 2 tablespoons of wheat seed oil to the other half of the avocado fruit is ripe. Apply this mask to hair that's been washed clean, let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse.
Apply the avocado mask recipe one last as much as 2 times in a week.

4. Castor Oil
Massaging the scalp regularly with castor oil (castor oil) is one of the easiest ways to grow hair and practical. its too thick texture of castor oil, then the rest of the hair can be as by him.
In addition, castor oil also contains vitamin E and fatty acids that can stimulate hair growth.
- Heat the coconut oil and Castor oil (same comparison) castor oil only if too thick.
- Apply it to your hair and scalp, and massage-massage with circular movements.
- Comb so that the oil can spread evenly throughout the hair.
- Wrap the hair with a towel that's been in the hot water vapor.
- Let stand for at least 1 hour, then wash your hair as usual.
- Do this way 1 time a week.

5. Aloe Vera
Other famous material that can thicken your hair is Aloe Vera. In addition to moisturizing, Aloe Vera is also able to restore the pH balance of the skin. How to grow Aloe Vera hair wear are:
- Extract the gel from the Aloe Vera leaves 1-2, and then rub it into your scalp. Let sit for 30 minutes before rinsing your hair using warm water. Do this treatment 1-2 times a week.
- Mix 2 tsp of fresh coconut milk with aloe vera gel and apply to the scalp. Rinse and wash your hair after 30 minutes.
- You can also consume 1 tbsp aloe vera juice every day when the stomach is still empty.

6. Seed kelabat
Kelabat seeds can also be empowered to prevent hair loss at the same time thicken your hair. How to use it are:
- Soak 2-3 tbsp kelabat seeds in water during 8-10 hours. After that, mashed seeds are already tender to gentle. If you want, add 2 tsp of coconut milk into it, and then apply the paste to your hair and scalp. Let sit for 30 minutes before rinsing it off with warm water. If done regularly every week, this recipe can also prevent the drying of the scalp.
- Another option is to use water kelabat seed marinade results last for rinsing hair. In addition to stimulating hair growth, the water can also eliminate dandruff. Use the water as much as 1-2 times a week.

7. Flaxseed
Lately the existence of flaxseed or flaxseed to fame along with the popularity of the melejitnya chiaseed. Flaxseed contains omega-3 fatty acids and protein, both can stimulate hair growth naturally.
How to grow hair with flaxseed is with ¼ Cup flax seed soaking in water overnight. The next day, boil 2 cups water together flaxseed, use the high water and stir constantly.
When the water becomes thick consistency like jelly, turn off the fire, and strain gelnya. You may add a few drops of essential oil into it. Allow to cool and then wear it as a hair gel, especially for your hair curly or wavy.
Another alternative is by mixing flaxseed into diet, or using oil.

8. Onion Juice
Onion juice can increase circulation and reduce inflammation of the hair follicles so as to stimulate growth while reducing the risk of broken hair. In addition, the onion juices also contain antioxidants that can play down the effects of damage from hydrogen peroxide (the cause of loss) on the scalp.
How to make onion juice is very easy, just use juicer, blender, food processor, or by smoothing. Add a bit of water so that the onion juice is not too thick. Prior to rub it all over the scalp, do a mini test first to see if there is an allergy or not.
Scalp massage while applying it to stimulate hair follicles and maximize his nutritional absorption. Let stand for 30-60 minutes, then rinse until clean. Because the scent of onions are less friendly, do this treatment as night the day before the bath night.

9. Ginseng
Why not if it had no fresh ginseng plants. You can buy it in powder form in China's drug store, or a supplement only. Just like garlic, ginseng can also stimulate the blood circulation in the scalp and hair follicles so that helps cell regeneration.
You can just mix powdered ginseng with jojoba or coconut oil to taste, and then apply it to the scalp. Continue to massage the right oil for 5 minutes. Repeat several times a day.

10. Essential oils
There are several types of essential oils which can be proven to thicken your hair like grapeseed, cedarwood, lavender, rosemary, and thyme. Grapeseed oil is high in high content of essential fatty acids and vitamin E.
Many people also claimed that rosemary oil can stimulate hair growth, prevent baldness, slowing the rise of uban, overcome dandruff and dry scalp.
Here's how: add 5 drops of essential oil into the solvent 2-3 tbsp oil (jojoba or coconut). After well blended, apply to the scalp using your fingers. Continue to massage the scalp for a few minutes. Repeat a couple of times a week.

11. Baking soda
Rather than washing your hair with shampoo, use baking soda. Unlike shampoo in General, baking soda does not leave residues that make hair dull and thin.
The way life is, take 3-4 tbsp baking soda, then add the 3/4 cup of water. Mix well and then use it as shampoo. The use of baking soda shampoo regularly can stimulate hair follicles and erode the residue or dirt in the scalp.

12. Apple vinegar
It seems like there's nothing nobody can do natural ingredients on this one. Not only rich in nutrients, benefits apple vinegar can also balances the pH of the scalp.
After washing hair, take the 1/2 cup apple vinegar then pour it all over the hair. Don't rinse again with water, allow it to dry. Once dry, you're bound to see if the hair looks more volume. This is because Apple vinegar was able to get rid of a build-up of residue in the hair.
The use of these materials on a regular basis can also stimulate hair growth and reduce the risk of fractures.

13. The source of protein and vitamin B
In addition to several natural ingredients, how to thicken your hair the other cannot be underestimated is by eating healthy foods. Because of the protein and B vitamins in particular, can thicken your hair from within, then the routine of eating food here:
-Cod liver oil – omega 3 sources, including EPA and DHA.
- Egg.
- Milk.
- Yogurt
- Poultry.
- Fish.
- String beans.
- Seeds.
- Nuts.
- Whole grain.
- Fresh green leafy vegetables.

You can also massage the head routinely when relaxing, for example when watching TV, so that blood circulation in the scalp and the hair smoothly any thicker than the current one. Based on sources that the author can, pretty much proving to be pleased. So choose which you think is easy to do. Good luck!

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