Signs and symptoms of food allergies

Signs and symptoms of food allergies

Food allergy – Approximately one out of four people think that they are allergic to certain foods. In fact, only about 4 percent of the age of 5 years or more who actually have allergies to food.
Food allergies, the effect on the immune system, react with the components of certain foods as if that food is a substance harmful to the body.
Symptoms of food allergy reactions usually appear within a few minutes to an hour after eating certain foods.

The symptoms of food allergy include:

- If you are allergic to certain foods, will usually itch in the mouth immediately after eating the food.
- Nose can be stuffy or itchy.
You can also start sneezing has occurred.
- Eyes became itchy and issued a lot of tears.
- Lip become swollen, face, tongue, throat, or other parts of the body can also be itchy and swell.
- Once the food reaches the stomach, you may experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal cramps.
The skin may become red and itchy.

Anaphylactic Reaction
For some people, allergic reactions to food does not cause serious problems. But for most others, allergic reaction to food can cause a severe condition even death. Life-threatening reactions caused by allergic reaction called Anaphylaxis.
Symptoms of Anaphylactic Reaction include:
- Hoarseness, throat tightness, and/or there is a lump in the throat
- chest tightness, and difficult breathing
- Rapid heart rate
- Dizziness, fainting, or float
- Tingling in hands, feet, lips, or scalp
- Cool on the skin, grayish or bluish and sweating
If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms after eating something, immediately contact a doctor. Anaphylaxis requires emergency treatment with a drug called epinefrin.

What types of foods cause allergies?
In adults, the most frequent cause of food allergic reactions include:
- Clams, oysters, shrimp, lobster, and crab
- Nuts
- Tree nuts, such as walnuts, cashews, and candlenut
- Fish (including tuna)
- Egg

Symptoms similar to food allergies

Other medical problems can have some similar symptoms as food allergies, such as:
- poisoning from contaminated food or foods that contain toxins, such as certain mushrooms
- Lactose Intolerance
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Reaction to many some food additive, such as MSG (flavor enhancer)

Diagnosis and treatment of food allergy
The best treatment for a food allergy is to avoid the foods that cause allergy symptoms for you. Therefore, it is necessary to read the ingredients on food labels to make sure that the food does not contain anything that may cause allergies for you.

If the pain continues, is expected to immediately contact a doctor in order to provide handling against allergies.

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