Benefits of onion for men

Benefits of onion for men

The onion does have less flavor and aroma. But until now, no one dares deny it when this seasoning has a myriad of benefits that are good for the body. Well on reviews this time, will talk about the benefits of onion for males.
In addition to the fiber and antioxidants, red onions are also well populated vitamins B, C, sulfur, iron, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, and manganese. More than that, the onion is also low in calories, there are only 45 calories in 100 grams each. This is the reason why the onion has many benefits.

About the benefits of onion for man, that is to say that the herbs are familiar with womenfolk proved to be efficacious to support vitality and fertility of the men. In addition to the other benefits that are good for your health in General.
What are the benefits of onion for male virility and fertility? The Indian community in particular, believes the onion can increase sexual desire, in both men and women. For example, men's sexual health benefits of onions are as follows:

1. Increase sperm count
There are antioxidants in the onion could increase sperm count naturally. In fact, various studies find if the onions and Ginger can increase the amount of sperm at once sexual desires. One tablespoon onion juice mixed with 1 tsp ginger juice, and drink 3 times a day, allegedly can increase libido.

2. Increase testosterone levels
According to research carried out the University of Tabriz (Iran), fresh onion juice can boost testosterone levels. In addition, the shallot can also improve the health of sexual organs of men (and women too).
3. Boost the stamina man
The immune system of the body that can make a person weak, limp, tired easily, and ' slow moving ' on top of the bed. But eating red onions on a regular basis can prevent all of it. Content of Phytochemicals in onions was able to push vitamin C to strengthen the immune system so that the harmful toxin causes various diseases can be expelled from the body.
4. Prevent erectile dysfunction
His smooth blood circulation is very important for men's sexual organs because it could prevent erectile dysfunction. Red onions as the source of sulfide can help control cholesterol so keep high blood pressure. If increased cardiovascular health, then any so smooth blood circulation throughout the body, including sexual organs.

Other Benefits Of Onion
In addition to the special men, following diverse benefits the other onion in General:

1. Reduce the pain of bee stings
The bees stung the skin can be very pain and swollen as well. In addition to using ice cubes or pain relief medications, you can also apply the fresh red onions to top the infected area to reduce pain.

2. Lowers bad cholesterol
The benefits of red onions this one was already renowned everywhere so no wonder if goat Satay seller in particular, always include sliced onion as a ' pickle '.
Various studies mentioned if onions (especially red) can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol. The results of the study showed if packed ½ grains of red onion per day can raise good cholesterol (HDL) by as much as 30%.

3. Increase supply of glutathione 
Is one of the important types of antioxidants to ward off cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's. The body can produce this antioxidant even more, if we diligently eat red onions and other vegetables such as cauliflower and broccoli.

4. Cure colds
Good Roman Emperor, Nero, as well as former President of the United States, George Washington, both equally effective onion believes cure colds and sore throats. Lived his have lived, vitamin C in the onion was the one who is credited for the purpose.

5. Stabilize blood sugar
Onions contain Allyl propyl disulfide (garlic oil) whose role is similar to insulin, i.e. can balance blood sugar levels. Not only that, there is also research that suggests if the onion can lower blood glucose.

6. Remove melasma (black spots) of the skin
Melasma or hyperpigmentation is usually caused by sunlight, If there are so many stains/spots on the skin, then combine the juice of onion (chopped onions that squeezed) with Apple vinegar, use the same comparison. Apply it on the skin twice a day. Both these natural ingredients can balance the pH of the skin.

7. The source of quercetin
The Flavonoids quercetin is crucial to ward off or heal a row of diseases such as blood clotting, bronchitis, hay fever, diabetes, and asthma.

8. Detoxification Agents
The surrounding environment is loaded with exposure to metals that are harmful to the body, such as lead, cadmium, and mercury. To get rid of it, the body needs to be detoxified. The best way to do this is by eating foods containing methionine and cystine (both the sulfur containing amino acids).
When entering into the body, these nutrients will act like a magnet to bind metals, and take it out of the body. And shallots is his storehouse of these amino acids.

9. Maintain brain health
The increase of the age often makes people worried would be exposed to disease or senile memory more. Fortunately, the results of various studies find if consumption of onions on a regular basis can prevent brain damage resulting from a stroke or a blockage of the blood. Therefore, the onion is not only one sole good for physical health, but also mentally.
10. Prevent Cancer
One of the types of cancer most of her men is prostate. Various results of a study published in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute suggests if the consumption of vegetables from the family of allium (onion, garlic, and onions) may lower the risk of prostate cancer. In addition, other types of cancer of the prostate which can also reduced the risk of breast and gastric cancer is.

How to wear red onion
There are different ways to wear a red onion, some of which are:
- Eaten raw. If you have a disorder of sexual desire, you can add red onions into salad, or simply eaten raw only.
- Made juices. The juice that consists of a mixture of onion (medium) and Ginger (small) can drink every day to increase libido.
- Consumed water only. If you don't know how to make a refreshing drink of water sharing of the onion, then follow this recipe. Boil 2-3 onion into ½ liter of water, then drink it morning and nighttime, especially before sex in order for stamina.
- Spice Curry. Don't be shy to add lots of red onion spices Curry because in addition to make it taste delicious, performance goals above his bed any time so increasing.

Still, reluctant to consume him?

When there are people who are reluctant to eat onion due to not want to slice it when spicy eyes, then there are tricks that can be done. But you have to know, if the tear is actually important because it lubricates the eye and kill bacteria or harmful toxins. Without tears, the sense of sight we will not function at all.
There are a variety of ways to minimize in order that the eye is not spicy while slicing onions, some of which are:
- Turn on the ventilator above your head if his slicing place near stove. The wind from a ventilator can keep enzymes allyl Sulfate is from the tear glands.
- Freeze first his onions for 15 minutes before you chop them.

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