Signs and symptoms of food allergies

Signs and symptoms of food allergies

Food allergy – Approximately one out of four people think that they are allergic to certain foods. In fact, only about 4 percent of the age of 5 years or more who actually have allergies to food.
Food allergies, the effect on the immune system, react with the components of certain foods as if that food is a substance harmful to the body.
Symptoms of food allergy reactions usually appear within a few minutes to an hour after eating certain foods.

The symptoms of food allergy include:

- If you are allergic to certain foods, will usually itch in the mouth immediately after eating the food.
- Nose can be stuffy or itchy.
You can also start sneezing has occurred.
- Eyes became itchy and issued a lot of tears.
- Lip become swollen, face, tongue, throat, or other parts of the body can also be itchy and swell.
- Once the food reaches the stomach, you may experience symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal cramps.
The skin may become red and itchy.

Anaphylactic Reaction
For some people, allergic reactions to food does not cause serious problems. But for most others, allergic reaction to food can cause a severe condition even death. Life-threatening reactions caused by allergic reaction called Anaphylaxis.
Symptoms of Anaphylactic Reaction include:
- Hoarseness, throat tightness, and/or there is a lump in the throat
- chest tightness, and difficult breathing
- Rapid heart rate
- Dizziness, fainting, or float
- Tingling in hands, feet, lips, or scalp
- Cool on the skin, grayish or bluish and sweating
If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms after eating something, immediately contact a doctor. Anaphylaxis requires emergency treatment with a drug called epinefrin.

What types of foods cause allergies?
In adults, the most frequent cause of food allergic reactions include:
- Clams, oysters, shrimp, lobster, and crab
- Nuts
- Tree nuts, such as walnuts, cashews, and candlenut
- Fish (including tuna)
- Egg

Symptoms similar to food allergies

Other medical problems can have some similar symptoms as food allergies, such as:
- poisoning from contaminated food or foods that contain toxins, such as certain mushrooms
- Lactose Intolerance
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Reaction to many some food additive, such as MSG (flavor enhancer)

Diagnosis and treatment of food allergy
The best treatment for a food allergy is to avoid the foods that cause allergy symptoms for you. Therefore, it is necessary to read the ingredients on food labels to make sure that the food does not contain anything that may cause allergies for you.

If the pain continues, is expected to immediately contact a doctor in order to provide handling against allergies.

Various heart disease that you need to Know

Various heart disease that you need to Know

Coronary heart disease is just one of the various types of heart disease. Get more in various heart diseases and its causes so that prevention can be done early on.
Heart disease or cardiovascular diseases refers to a number of conditions that lead to the heart can not work out properly. The cause is due to the blood flow and oxygen supply towards the heart is obstructed due to the damage to coronary arteries, heart valve is not working properly, the heart rate beating too fast or slow in the long run, the muscle dysfunction congenital heart abnormalities or heart.

As we know, the heart is one of the organs of the body that has a role vital to survival. If there is little disruption on the organs of the body that has the primary function of pumping blood throughout the body, then the risk of death-threatening us are ready.
Cannot be avoided again how important we are for maintaining heart health in order to avoid one of the most deadly diseases. Therefore, know various heart diseases and their causes the following to be more open to our consciousness more aware of his arrival.

Various heart diseases, causes and Symptoms

Heart disease or cardiovascular disease is often classed by many people into one category, i.e. coronary artery disease. This kind of thinking is actually less precise. Why is this so? Because every issue either on the heart or blood vessels can cause heart disease of different kind.

Following various heart diseases, causes as well as symptoms to look out for!

1. Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease or coronary artery disease (CAD) is a type of heart disease being the most common. The presence of coronary heart disease is caused by the formation of plaque along the artery walls due to the process of accumulation of cholesterol or fat pile in the long term.

A condition called atherosclerosis also with this led to a narrowing in the artery wall, as a result of blood flow and oxygen supply towards the heart of the matter is hampered. 
Atherosclerosis can lead to angina or pain in the chest. Gradually, these conditions can trigger the onset of a heart attack due to the formation of blood clotting that blocks the flow of blood toward the heart in total.
 At an early stage, coronary heart disease may not cause any symptoms. But over time, arteries clogged causing the sufferer will begin experiencing some symptoms. Among them such as, pain in the chest, shortness of breath, heart rate beat faster, dizziness and nausea.
 At an early stage, coronary heart disease may not cause any symptoms. But over time, arteries clogged causing the sufferer will begin experiencing some symptoms. Among them such as, pain in the chest, shortness of breath, heart rate beat faster, dizziness and nausea.
Coronary heart disease before it strikes, apply early on a healthy diet. Reduce or avoid the consumption of foods that are high in fat or bad cholesterol, multiply the consumption of vegetables and fruits and don't forget to regularly work out at least twice a week.

2. Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is a problem or disruption in heart rhythm that can be ticked more slowly (bradycardia), faster (tachycardia) or irregular due to the electrical impulses that regulate the heart rate function does not work properly. Disorders of the heart rate may increase risk of stroke and heart failure.
There are several types of the most common arrhythmia found, among other things:

- Atrial Fibrillation. A condition where the atrium or upper heart Chamber contracting are irregular.
 - Premature ventricular Contractions. Contraction is very fast and irregular in the ventricles of the heart or the basement.
 - bradycardia. Slowed heart rate due to disorders of the heart's conduction system.
Someone experiences arrhythmia can experience symptoms in the form of a sense of pounding in your chest, irregular heartbeat (faster or slower), shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness to fainting. Check with your doctor immediately if found this condition, so that it can be dealt with quickly and appropriately.

3. Congestive heart failure
Congestive heart failure or congestive heart failure (CHF) is not a condition in which a person's heart stops beating but rather the failure of the heart in pumping blood throughout the body due to abnormalities in the heart muscles.

There are some health problems that can be a trigger for the onset of heart failure. Among them, such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart valve disease, enlargement of the heart (cardiomegaly), heart defect since birth and chronic lung infections.
There are some symptoms that become the harbinger of a person suffering from congestive heart failure like shortness of breath, especially while lying down, fatigue, swelling of the feet and ankles, coughing, weight gain that drastic or sudden and decreased appetite.
In severe conditions, the sufferer will experience symptoms of pain in the chest that greatly extends through the upper body, the skin becomes bluish, breathless and faint. Even when patients do not get the right medical handling may result in the failure of other organs to sudden death.

4. Valvular Heart disease
Valvular heart disease is one of a variety of other heart disease.This condition happened due to disorders or problems in one or more of the four heart valves. Own heart valve function to ensure that the flow of blood that comes from the whole body can take a hand in one direction, be it in the heart and out of the heart.

The main disorders such as heart valves stenosis and mitral valve prolapse will certainly complicate the heart to work efficiently. The cause of the influx of these diseases could be due to congenital disease called congenital heart valve disease. A condition in which the valve has a size of leaf shapes is also abnormal valves or not latching properly.
In addition, there are several other factors that may cause the occurrence of abnormalities in the heart valves such as rheumatic fever, endocarditis, cardiomyopathy, high blood pressure, heart attacks, radiation, certain drugs, tumors and multiple factors others.
The most common symptoms of heart valve disease headache or pain in the chest, felt very fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath and swelling of the legs, ankles or hands.

5. Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy is an abnormality in the heart muscle (cardiac muscle) that causes the size and shape of the heart muscle becoming hardened (restrictive), enlarged or thickened. This disorder can directly interfere with the function of the heart in pumping blood throughout the body. Its manifestation if not monitored and dealt with right then it can lead to sudden death or heart failure.
Though experts have not been able to find the main causes of the occurrence of cardiomyopathy, but there are some risk factors associated with this condition. Among them, such as viral infection that attacks the heart muscle (myocarditis), genetics, radiation, connective tissue disorder, Amyloidosis (a disorder that triggers abnormal protein production), and several other causes. Not rare in some cases, the heart muscle to thicken without cause.
The symptoms of cardiomyopathy have similarities with various heart diseases, such as shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling of the feet and ankles or hands, pain in the chest to faint.

6. Congenital heart disease

Congenital heart disease or congenital heart disorder is a condition of heart abnormalities in infants since the in content and occurs in about 1 out of every 100 births. Some types of congenital heart disease which most commonly include:
 -Septal (ASD) atrium septum and Septal ventricular septum (VSD). Congenital heart disorder condition where there is a hole in the heart wall (septum) that separates the right and left atrium.

-Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Condition in which the ductus arteriosus (the arteries that connect the aorta and arteries pulmonal) failed to close after the baby is born.
Congenital heart disorder is a type of birth defect that caused the problem at the heart of the baby since it was still in the womb. No matter the cause is largely unknown. However, experts suspect environmental factors such as mothers who smoke or are exposed to cigarette smoke, consume alcohol, suffered an infection during pregnancy (such as viral TORCH) or certain medications outside the prescription has a share of 3% from the onset of this condition.

Babies who have a congenital heart disorder will experience some symptoms such as face, tongue, lips, nails, toe and hands become bluish first when the baby is crying or straining when defecating, shortness of breath or wheezing breath, often choked when the sucking, hard body weight increased even tend to decrease and look limp.
However, not all congenital heart abnormalities immediately cause symptoms when the new baby is born. In the case of congenital heart disease which is light, often do not cause any symptoms until the baby/child is taken to a doctor or when she gets teens or adults.
Except for congenital heart disease, actually in general type or various other heart diseases can be prevented his return. How do you do? Simply by implementing a healthy lifestyle plus regular exercise at least twice a week. These good habits not only have an impact on heart health, but have an impact on the health of the organs of the body as a whole.

Powerful Ways To Treat Strep Throat

Powerful Ways To Treat Strep Throat

Sore throat either mild or severe certainly can interfere with everyday activities, especially in children, they usually tend to be fussy when exposed to disease on this one. Therefore, treat the sore throat is seen very necessary, but may still be many who do not know a powerful way in treating strep throat.
In treating strep throat or pharyngitis, to be aware of is what is the cause of pharyngitis. Due to various causes, will certainly get a different treatment because of the steps must be tailored to the cause.

 The purpose of the treatment of sore throat is to eradicate the causes, alleviate or eliminate symptoms, prevent complications, and prevent the inflammation does not relapse again.
Well, the four great points is the one who will be discussed one by one in order to treat inflammations of the throat up to completely.

Eradicate Causes Of Sore Throat.
The main cause of sore throat namely virus infections, but there are no antiviral drugs used to kill viruses of this type because it is not needed. To eradicate his, entrusted only to the body's defense system and treat the symptoms that appear.
Another case if the cause is bacterial infection, then antibiotics will be necessary. To use an antibiotic prescription is required, meaning that it should check to see a doctor.
For other causes like allergies, irritation, then should avoid food or substance causes.
If you are experiencing symptoms of pharyngitis by viruses, will disappear gradually for about a week. If you experience a sore throat because of a bacterial infection, the symptoms will subside within two to three days after starting to drink antibiotics.

Alleviate or eliminate the symptoms of Strep Throat.
To relieve the symptoms of sore throat and increase durability of the body to fight infection, then it is necessary:
- A lot of rest (sleep enough physical activity, reduce, avoid tired)
- If hoarseness, reduce talk let alone yell.
- Drink warm liquids (tea or broth)
- Drink plenty of water to prevent dehydration
- Gargle with warm salt water to relieve the pain of throat.
- Medication pain reliever and fever
These methods will help alleviate the sense of discomfort and speed healing.

Prevent Complications Of Strep Throat.
Treat strep throat caused by the bacteria streptococcus can completely prevent complications. Because this type of sore throat, if not treated with proper will potentially give rise to complications in the form of rheumatic heart disease and kidney disease acute glomerulonefritis (GNA).
To treat inflammation is necessary antibiotics, such as amoxicillin/penicillin for 10 days, other alternative's erythromycin, azitromisin. When to drink antibiotics must comply with the doctor's suggestion i.e. should be spent even before running out You already feel healed.

Prevent a sore throat does not Relapse again.

 To prevent strep throat to the following things:
- Wash your hands with SOAP and running water thoroughly and often, especially after using the toilet, before meals and after sneezing or coughing.
- Avoid sharing food, drinking glass or other equipment with the sufferer.
-Coughing or sneezing into a tissue and then throw it away.
- wash your hands with SOAP and water or use alcohol as a substitute, for example on the way.
- Use a mask if dusty environments or when cleaning the House.
- Avoid exposure to cigarette smoke, and smoking is stopped if you are a smoker.
So, powerful ways of treating strep throat may be beneficial.

Tips so that Flu and Colds a speedy recovery

Tips so that Flu and Colds a speedy recovery

Currently have available many remedies to tackle the flu or colds, you can choose one of a variety of medications that can help relieve the symptoms. Or you don't like the medicine?? If so, you may prefer the natural approach to relieve your suffering flu including the following tips.

Here are some tips so that flu and colds medications other than a speedy recovery.

Dump the snot as often as possible
Frequently dump the snot when you start to meet the nose, this is important rather than suck the snot and went again plus you. Surely this should be done in the right way, that is blown one by one with how close the nostril alternately next to it, and don't forget to wash your hands after disposing of the snot. because this is a den of snot germs.

Gargle can lighten the sore throat and cause temporary relief effects. Can be tested in a way, a teaspoon of salt dissolved in warm water, gargle four times a day. To reduce the itching in the throat, try gargle with astringent substances, such as the tea contains tannins, to tighten the membranes. Or use a mouthwash that is widely available in the market.

Sufficient rest
Rest your body when you are suffering from flu or colds with the goal of energy at our disposal that we use everything possible to ward off flu disease from our bodies. Rest by lying in bed is very helpful.

Drink warm water, avoid cold water (ice)
Drinking warm water can improve blood flow in the part that was spent, can also relieve nasal congestion, helping to prevent dehydration, and can soothe a membrane that is experiencing inflammation so that it can be more easily recovered. Instead of cold water (ice) cause blood vessels so that less blood flow shrunk smoothly as a result the healing process will take longer. And expand the drinking water (warm).

A warm bath
The flu is usually accompanied by a fever, the body naturally we avoid something cool, like a bath with cold water. Therefore, it is better to use warm water in addition to give a sense of a more comfortable, warm water serves also launched a blood circulation and relaxes the muscles right tense.

Sleeping with a pillow that is higher
Sleeping with a pillow that height (2 or 3 pillows) will facilitate the respiratory tract and preventing the snot and slime-slime accumulated in channels of breath. No wonder when people who were experiencing flu nasal congestion when sleeping with a pillow that is not high.

Multiply eat fruit and vegetables.
Fruit and vegetables contain lots of vitamins and minerals that the body needs. Especially when you're the flu, the need for vitamins and minerals is very important because they can act as an immune system booster and needed to improve the body's cells are damaged.

Remember, a serious condition could be disguised as common cold and mild infections can develop into something more serious. If you have severe symptoms or feeling sick every day immediately paid a visit to the doctor.

Tips to prevent the Flu (Influenza)

Tips to prevent the Flu (Influenza)

The flu or colds arguably the most frequent illnesses experienced by humans. The flu or Colds are caused by viral infection. More than 200 different viruses can cause Influenza symptoms of varying levels of severity.
The virus that causes the flu can spread from person to person through droplets (droplet small mucus/mucous) that enter the air from the nasal passages when colds of people who sneeze and then inhaled by others. Colds can also spread by touching surfaces that have been contaminated through contact with an infected person and then touching the mouth, nose, or eyes.
Although it is not possible to prevent the spread of colds with completely, there are some steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of you and your family flu/colds.

Here're some Tips to prevent the Flu or Colds:

Please hand wash with SOAP.
It could be this way is the best way to prevent the flu. Moreover, after shopping, or spend time in public places, hand washing is very important. Frequent hand washing can kill viruses that exist in the hands of you after touching contaminated objects. You can also bring hand Sanitized or antiseptic hand Sanitized wipes when visiting public places.

Avoid touching the face.
Especially the nose, mouth, and eye area, after a handshake with the flu or sick person touches the objects in public places suspected of contamination.

If the child is experiencing a runny nose.
Wash toys her well when you clean the furniture and household items that are frequently used.

Do not smoke.
Cigarette smoke can irritate the respiratory tract and increase susceptibility to colds and other infections. Even exposure to passive smoking can make you (or your kids) are more susceptible to colds.

Use disposable items.
If there are family members who are infected. Disposable glasses can be disposed of after use and prevent the spread of the virus from sharing cups or glasses. This is important especially if you have young children who might try to drink from the cup of others without cleaning it first.

Keep appliances clean.
Door knobs, drawer, keyboard, HP, phone, lights, remote controls, and others. Wipe the surface with SOAP and water or a disinfectant solution after use by people affected by colds.

Use a tissue.
In the kitchen and bathroom to wash my hands. Germs can live for several hours on a cloth towel. Or, have a separate towel for each family member.

Dispose of the tissue after use.
Paper towels that have been used are the source of the virus that can contaminate the surface of any object in which it was placed.

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
While there is no direct evidence showing that eating well or exercising can prevent colds, maintenance of a healthy lifestyle, with enough sleep, good nutrition and physical exercise can help ensure that the system Your immune system in good condition and ready to fight infection if it occurs.

Control stress.
Research shows that people who experience emotional stress can weaken the immune system and are more likely to suffer from the flu than those whose lives are quiet.
So what if already experienced the flu, the following Tips so that Flu and Colds a speedy recovery.
That's a few tips to avoid the flu, disease may be useful for you and your family.