3 types of foods that should be avoided While Dieting

3 types of foods that should be avoided While Dieting

Have an ideal body weight is the dream of every woman. Therefore, a lot of women who go on a diet to get their desired body shape. However, don't be fooled by the easy food that looks healthy, but instead must instead be avoided while dieting.

There are 3 types of foods thus making your diet mess. What is it?

1. Foods labeled "Fat-Free" or "Low-Fat"
Foods labeled "Fat-Free" or low-fat may seem good consumed while you're on a diet. However, it turns out the experts mentioned that the labeled food products thus should be avoided. Why is it so? Because these foods also contain chemicals, starch and has little nutritional value.
In addition, foods are marked low in fat can also cause you to feel more hungry later. According to a nutritionist, when you consume low-fat food products, then you will eat 50 percent more thereafter.

2. White bread and butter
Not all carbohydrates are bad, but there's not a nutritionist who recommended eating white bread packaging while being on a diet. The reason, white bread is made from flour packaging has been stripped of his wheat bran, so do not have fiber and nutrients that are beneficial to your body.
Especially if you often add the butter on the bread. Butter contains fat that is hard is processed in the body. So the fat can continue to nest and raises bad cholesterol.

3. Salad ready meals
Most people consider bring the salad became one of healthy food that must be consumed while on a diet. In fact, many salads that contain high fat and calorie equivalent cheese burger. If you want to consume a salad while the diet, replace Your salad dressing with olive oil and white vinegar. Or create your own salad dressing made from citrus sauce as much as one teaspoon only.

We recommend that you make your own salad at home with a selection of vegetables that are washed clean and stored in a dry container. Then, add the nuts and seeds to your Favorites.

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