Various heart disease that you need to Know

Various heart disease that you need to Know

Coronary heart disease is just one of the various types of heart disease. Get more in various heart diseases and its causes so that prevention can be done early on.
Heart disease or cardiovascular diseases refers to a number of conditions that lead to the heart can not work out properly. The cause is due to the blood flow and oxygen supply towards the heart is obstructed due to the damage to coronary arteries, heart valve is not working properly, the heart rate beating too fast or slow in the long run, the muscle dysfunction congenital heart abnormalities or heart.

As we know, the heart is one of the organs of the body that has a role vital to survival. If there is little disruption on the organs of the body that has the primary function of pumping blood throughout the body, then the risk of death-threatening us are ready.
Cannot be avoided again how important we are for maintaining heart health in order to avoid one of the most deadly diseases. Therefore, know various heart diseases and their causes the following to be more open to our consciousness more aware of his arrival.

Various heart diseases, causes and Symptoms

Heart disease or cardiovascular disease is often classed by many people into one category, i.e. coronary artery disease. This kind of thinking is actually less precise. Why is this so? Because every issue either on the heart or blood vessels can cause heart disease of different kind.

Following various heart diseases, causes as well as symptoms to look out for!

1. Coronary heart disease

Coronary heart disease or coronary artery disease (CAD) is a type of heart disease being the most common. The presence of coronary heart disease is caused by the formation of plaque along the artery walls due to the process of accumulation of cholesterol or fat pile in the long term.

A condition called atherosclerosis also with this led to a narrowing in the artery wall, as a result of blood flow and oxygen supply towards the heart of the matter is hampered. 
Atherosclerosis can lead to angina or pain in the chest. Gradually, these conditions can trigger the onset of a heart attack due to the formation of blood clotting that blocks the flow of blood toward the heart in total.
 At an early stage, coronary heart disease may not cause any symptoms. But over time, arteries clogged causing the sufferer will begin experiencing some symptoms. Among them such as, pain in the chest, shortness of breath, heart rate beat faster, dizziness and nausea.
 At an early stage, coronary heart disease may not cause any symptoms. But over time, arteries clogged causing the sufferer will begin experiencing some symptoms. Among them such as, pain in the chest, shortness of breath, heart rate beat faster, dizziness and nausea.
Coronary heart disease before it strikes, apply early on a healthy diet. Reduce or avoid the consumption of foods that are high in fat or bad cholesterol, multiply the consumption of vegetables and fruits and don't forget to regularly work out at least twice a week.

2. Arrhythmia

Arrhythmia is a problem or disruption in heart rhythm that can be ticked more slowly (bradycardia), faster (tachycardia) or irregular due to the electrical impulses that regulate the heart rate function does not work properly. Disorders of the heart rate may increase risk of stroke and heart failure.
There are several types of the most common arrhythmia found, among other things:

- Atrial Fibrillation. A condition where the atrium or upper heart Chamber contracting are irregular.
 - Premature ventricular Contractions. Contraction is very fast and irregular in the ventricles of the heart or the basement.
 - bradycardia. Slowed heart rate due to disorders of the heart's conduction system.
Someone experiences arrhythmia can experience symptoms in the form of a sense of pounding in your chest, irregular heartbeat (faster or slower), shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness to fainting. Check with your doctor immediately if found this condition, so that it can be dealt with quickly and appropriately.

3. Congestive heart failure
Congestive heart failure or congestive heart failure (CHF) is not a condition in which a person's heart stops beating but rather the failure of the heart in pumping blood throughout the body due to abnormalities in the heart muscles.

There are some health problems that can be a trigger for the onset of heart failure. Among them, such as coronary heart disease, heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes, heart valve disease, enlargement of the heart (cardiomegaly), heart defect since birth and chronic lung infections.
There are some symptoms that become the harbinger of a person suffering from congestive heart failure like shortness of breath, especially while lying down, fatigue, swelling of the feet and ankles, coughing, weight gain that drastic or sudden and decreased appetite.
In severe conditions, the sufferer will experience symptoms of pain in the chest that greatly extends through the upper body, the skin becomes bluish, breathless and faint. Even when patients do not get the right medical handling may result in the failure of other organs to sudden death.

4. Valvular Heart disease
Valvular heart disease is one of a variety of other heart disease.This condition happened due to disorders or problems in one or more of the four heart valves. Own heart valve function to ensure that the flow of blood that comes from the whole body can take a hand in one direction, be it in the heart and out of the heart.

The main disorders such as heart valves stenosis and mitral valve prolapse will certainly complicate the heart to work efficiently. The cause of the influx of these diseases could be due to congenital disease called congenital heart valve disease. A condition in which the valve has a size of leaf shapes is also abnormal valves or not latching properly.
In addition, there are several other factors that may cause the occurrence of abnormalities in the heart valves such as rheumatic fever, endocarditis, cardiomyopathy, high blood pressure, heart attacks, radiation, certain drugs, tumors and multiple factors others.
The most common symptoms of heart valve disease headache or pain in the chest, felt very fatigue, dizziness, shortness of breath and swelling of the legs, ankles or hands.

5. Cardiomyopathy

Cardiomyopathy is an abnormality in the heart muscle (cardiac muscle) that causes the size and shape of the heart muscle becoming hardened (restrictive), enlarged or thickened. This disorder can directly interfere with the function of the heart in pumping blood throughout the body. Its manifestation if not monitored and dealt with right then it can lead to sudden death or heart failure.
Though experts have not been able to find the main causes of the occurrence of cardiomyopathy, but there are some risk factors associated with this condition. Among them, such as viral infection that attacks the heart muscle (myocarditis), genetics, radiation, connective tissue disorder, Amyloidosis (a disorder that triggers abnormal protein production), and several other causes. Not rare in some cases, the heart muscle to thicken without cause.
The symptoms of cardiomyopathy have similarities with various heart diseases, such as shortness of breath, fatigue, swelling of the feet and ankles or hands, pain in the chest to faint.

6. Congenital heart disease

Congenital heart disease or congenital heart disorder is a condition of heart abnormalities in infants since the in content and occurs in about 1 out of every 100 births. Some types of congenital heart disease which most commonly include:
 -Septal (ASD) atrium septum and Septal ventricular septum (VSD). Congenital heart disorder condition where there is a hole in the heart wall (septum) that separates the right and left atrium.

-Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA). Condition in which the ductus arteriosus (the arteries that connect the aorta and arteries pulmonal) failed to close after the baby is born.
Congenital heart disorder is a type of birth defect that caused the problem at the heart of the baby since it was still in the womb. No matter the cause is largely unknown. However, experts suspect environmental factors such as mothers who smoke or are exposed to cigarette smoke, consume alcohol, suffered an infection during pregnancy (such as viral TORCH) or certain medications outside the prescription has a share of 3% from the onset of this condition.

Babies who have a congenital heart disorder will experience some symptoms such as face, tongue, lips, nails, toe and hands become bluish first when the baby is crying or straining when defecating, shortness of breath or wheezing breath, often choked when the sucking, hard body weight increased even tend to decrease and look limp.
However, not all congenital heart abnormalities immediately cause symptoms when the new baby is born. In the case of congenital heart disease which is light, often do not cause any symptoms until the baby/child is taken to a doctor or when she gets teens or adults.
Except for congenital heart disease, actually in general type or various other heart diseases can be prevented his return. How do you do? Simply by implementing a healthy lifestyle plus regular exercise at least twice a week. These good habits not only have an impact on heart health, but have an impact on the health of the organs of the body as a whole.

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1 komentar:

March 29, 2022 at 9:38 AM delete

Omg I'm so happy to share this!!! I've been thinking I've lost my mind and it was some mental case. I myself had my tubes tied after my 3rd child. I have a condition that makes having babies so hard on my body. About 6 months ago I too would feel something like "kicks" of course I thought I was out right crazy. I never spoke to anyone about what was going through. How could I? They'd think I was nuts!!! Well my periods have been getting so bad that I reached out to my best friend who also had the operation to see if she had experienced any symptoms with her periods since! Of course we were in the same boat. I broke down and told her I almost felt at times I was pregnant I felt so crazy just typing this out to her. I was beyond nervous she would think it was a nut case. To my surprise she also had similar symptoms. We both are researching what this could be. That's when I came across this website on Google of dr Itua Herbal Center. While scrolling through these comments I stumbled upon how he treated HIV/HHerpes also helped a woman to get pregnant with his herbal medicines. When I read what he had been going through I just broke down and cried for the longest time. Finally I got a help that I ever wanted I and my friend purchase Dr Itua herbal medicines and we both used it which was really effective it  cure my cramp issues so I will recommend anyone going through some health issue to contact Dr Itua Herbal Center on E-Mail : Or Whats-App +2348149277967  He  cure HIV/Aids, Herpes, Cancers, And other stubborn disease make sure someone here talk to someone about this who is going through the same thing as us. Ty for sharing. I now know we're not alone!!!
